Archive for August 23rd, 2006

Ritka and Heat Stroke 22 Aug

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006

Renae called about 10 am to up date us on Ritka. She was not feeling well this morning. She had her third eyelids closed again. She did not want to even look at food and was generally lethargic. Renea called ophthalmology to look at her eyes. I worried all day today, but decided not to […]

Ritka and Dog Sociality

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006

One of the reasons that we think of Ritka as a very special dog has to do with the story that goes with this photo: The dog playing with Ritka here had not been properly socialized as a puppy. It had some tendency toward aggressive behavior, as is typical of insecure dogs when forced into […]