Ritka and Heat Stroke 23 Aug

Renae called about 9:30 this am. The bad news was that Ritka had vomited about 3 am. But otherwise she looked good. They were happy with her willingness to eat. They planned to take her to ophthalmology today. They said they may take her feeding tube out today.

We had a 6:45PM appointment to see Ritka at the UC Davis VMTH. We spent a few minutes waiting for Renae to get the exam room set and get Ritka. When Renae appeared at the end of the hall with Ritka, Ritka recognized us and starting pulling at her lead to come our way. After a few minutes in the exam room, Ritka lay down to take a nap. She seems to use all her energy in greeting us. Renae told us that Ritka does not get as tired after a trip to the outside, another part of the clinic, or to ophthalmology, which is in another building.

The esophageal feeding tube had been taken out, and her IV line had been moved to one of her hind legs, so when we got to the exam room we were permitted to remove the Elizabethan collar (e-collar or cone) for the visit. The cone helps prevent Ritka from chewing or removing her IV lines.

Ritka ate cottage cheese and rice today. Ritka’s kidney values are still heading toward normal. They did not take a CBC today, so we do not have a new platelet count. However, we learned that the normal range for platelets begins at 150,000 and goes up to 400,000. So, the 123,000 from yesterday is better than we thought.

Ritka was also seen by the ophthalmologist today, who said that she may have prednisone sensitivity. She was treated locally with prednisone for her eye ailment. So they have stopped using the prednisone.

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